
Auntie Lindsay P.A.

I swear I have to give myself a pat on the back often. I sure did "marry up" as some people might say! LOL! I married into a loving and hilarious family, my hubby followed through and became a doctor, my "little" Sister in law (who is way taller than me, thanks Jode) is a dental hygienist, my brother in law is a "gangsta"/ accomplished carpet cleaner and my fun and vivacious Sister in law just graduated from Physician Assistants School!!

(Photo of a photo of her literal graduation)

Can you give her a big "Woop Woop"! I remember thinking as I was applying for nursing school that she, Derek and I would all be graduating at the same time!! Well, I had a baby. But they kept their course!!

It's been a long couple years of moving out on her own to the East Coast taking on a new adventure so far from what she's known. Granted she did get to acclimate while being a nanny a few years back in NY. But still, this was an entirely different beast! And she rocked it big time. So we all got together and drove/flew in for the big event... the white coat ceremony!

Ugh... I wish I had a zoom lens. But this is better than nothing. Look how happy she looks!! And of course her partner and roommate in crime Dimitria! I must hand it to them, they were some of the most graceful "coatings" at the ceremony. One guy accidently put his on inside out! 

Proud parents!

After the ceremony we headed some post ceremony hors d'oeuvres followed by a swanky yet casual party in Arlington. Where upon arrival my daughter had an "outburst" (the stinky kind) and my son ran around the house chasing a helpless dog and later decided to prune some flowers with a stick! Yet, everyone managed to think they were adorable! Ah, What gracious hosts! 

Once everyone headed North our way the entire week was filled with family time, cute grand babies and long walks to Wendy's! Don't ask!  :o) We are just so proud of you Lins. And I'm so glad I picked a winning family! 

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