
Week 21

Since my growth from here on out is supposed to be a bit moe rapid, pound per week, I guess I should start getting some more maternity pants because everything else these days seems to be pretty darn snug at this point. I'm always scared I'm going to suffocate the baby or pinch his umbilical cord! Anyway, here is my latest tummy photo take this evening. I can't believe how big I've gotten! But I'm loving every second of it.

P.S: I think this was a pretty dramatic jump from week 20 but then again I had just eaten dinner and dessert. So this was definitely full tummy capacity! ;o)


  1. Morning shots are the best, and the best time to weigh in! I always feel more thin and weigh less :) You are looking more prego, though. Fun! What did you think of the movie last night?

  2. Love it! Can't wait to see it for real...it will be really awesome by then!


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