
Hello Elder

It's been nearly two months now since my Brother-in-law got home from his mission. Why then am I just now writing about it? Only because  I had about 400+ photos to sort through. And although I love my son I was trying to post photos of other people too, or at least people holding him and not getting cropped out!

I'm sure a lot of people, who are LDS, have sent off missionaries before. But this was my first. It was just yesterday when Al called me on the phone to say good-bye as they all drove down to the MTC. I got all chocked up and mustered out an "I love you Al" and that was about it. 

So waiting in the airport was just as bad. I saw a couple Missionaries get off the plane and go to their families and my throat got all thick. After a lot of waiting, I mean A LOT, who knows what took them so long, they all came down the walkway.

His Mom was the first to go him, although we had to push her. She was just so excited /nervous  that she froze there in the airport. West on the other hand didn't have quite the same reaction. His face says it all really. After lots of hugs, saying the best for last of course, we all headed home for a well received home coming. I wish I had a photo of all the friends and family waiting in front of the house lining the drive way as his two flags hung besides a sign reading "Welcome Home Elder". But I did get one photo worth mentioning

 This little girl was left behind in Mozambique when her family migrated to the states 7 years ago. As many things go, her visa was just not a priority and her family could do nothing to bring her to the US. So on this special flight, Al and his other companions accompanied this little girl back "home". It's a home she has never known and missed terribly. 

We're so glad to have you home Brother. We are so happy to see the man you've become and can't wait to see the life you will live. Mozambique will miss your dedication but we are lucky to have you back!

1 comment:

  1. Mozambique? That's awesome! So he's a Portuguese speaker now?


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