
Play time

One of the great things I love about West is that he is so content just playing with whatever happens to be around. He's not picky at all. If he can find or reach it it's good enough.  And he only seems to put things in his mouth that should go there or wouldn't cause a chocking hazard. That being said, Daddy and I realized just how child proof are house isn't. That's right. Paint under the bathroom sink. Cleaning products under the kitchen sink, cheese grater on the bottom shelve and of course heavy glass jars with arms reach below the microwave. Hmm...I guess we hadn't expected him to grow quite this quickly. That being said he seems to be too smart for his age. Not to glote or anything, but the kid know his stuff. He'll ignore dads book shelve and go to his and pull out all of his books, sit down and then give them a peek.

So due to his new found discovering phase I've recently had to clean up a few spots to make them kid friendly. Like the heater vents. Who thought I'd have to clean those! But apparently when you drag a toy accross, it makes a pretty neat sound.

Oh I nearly forgot. This last week we added a new toy...the door stopper. It too makes fascinating noises. And West has learned that if he bends over far enough he can actually get it inside his little trap and give it a proper chew! YUCK!!

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