
Get me to the church on time...

I swear I'm late every where, no matter how prepared I am or how early I leave. On Saturday my best friend of twenty two year tied the not with her finance in Modesto. But low and behold I got stuck behind a 16 wheeled trackter and had to wait for 10 other cars to finally mozeey there way around it. And apparently our Magellan satellite map thingy isn't in the mix since it took us on a detour of an extra 30 minutes on the 120 when we could have done a straight shot on the 99. So we were a little late and by a little I mean a lot. We missed the first 30 minutes of the ceremony and had to sneak in the back. But at least we got there. Rachael looked so beautiful! I was so excited for her. I just wished she had stayed in her dress for the reception cause I was dying to take more photos of her but we can't have everything. Be sure to check out our video on the side. I got a great video of her Bo giving a new meaning to dancing queen!!

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